Thank you for your interest in the Q-PROMPPT research blog.
The blog is now closed.
The Q-PROMPPT study team would like to thank everyone who participated in the blog. We are very grateful to you for taking the time to share your experiences and views.
We are in the process of analysing all the comments posted to help us develop a new way for clinical pharmacists working in GP surgeries to improve the care for people taking regular opioids for long-term pain. We will test how well this works in future studies.
If you would like to keep updated about the PROMPPT research programme and the findings of the Q-PROMPPT research blog, please visit the PROMPPT website where we will post regular updates.
We will also publish results, as they become available on the Keele University Research Institute for Primary Care & Health Sciences website
Thank you very much for your interest in our study.